Ready-mix concrete is the best way to construct large concrete structures. However, ready mix concrete does have a few stipulations that you will have to consider. This article will explain the process of ordering, delivering and pouring ready-mix concrete.

Advantages of Ready-Mix

Ready-mix concrete is manufactured in a large plant. Most manufactures will have a number of different recipes for different concrete usage. You will need to refer to building codes and ask the advice of the concrete manufacture to make sure you get the right product for your job. The main advantage of ordering ready-mix concrete is the fact that you know the batch will be consistent. Also, you do not need to worry about mixing the concrete on site. When you order ready-mix concrete you produce much less waste on your actual job site. As a contractor, you will not need to own so many specialized and expensive concrete and cement mixing machines.

The concrete is usually delivered in a truck with a transit mixer bed. Of course, the more concrete you're transporting the bigger truck you will need, and a more expensive the project will be.

Time Stipulations with Ready-Mix

One of the most important things to consider is the location of your project and the delivery time. One disadvantage of ready-mix concrete is the fact that it is not always practical, Depending on the location of your job site. For instance, if your pour site is too far away from the manufacturing plant, the integrity and the consistency of the mix might be compromised. In general, ready mix concrete is most reliable if it can be delivered from the plant to the job site in less than 3 hours.

This delivery concern also means that your contractors and sub-contractors will have to be precisely scheduled. Of course, you do not want the concrete to arrive at the job site if it cannot be immediately poured. This is why it is very important that you schedule and prepare for your pour days. Whenever you have ready mix concrete coming to your job site, you want to make sure your entire crews' schedule is planned around the delivery. It is better to have everything done early, then to have all of your workers frantically hustling to get ready for the pour at the last minute.

As you can see, ready-mix concrete is the best solution for large-scale structures. However, you will need to properly prepare so you do not slow down your overall construction process. Contact a local supplier, like R Pepin & Sons Inc, with any questions.
